Archive for rough rider

My Last Condom

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , on October 20, 2008 by numalali

I almost bought some condoms last Saturday!  But then, reality hit me in the face like a wet towel.  Here is the true story

My Last Condom

The other day I went to a drugstore to purchase some multivitamins and a few other things.  When I approached the cashier to pay for the items, my attention was drawn to several boxes of condoms, Rough Riders to be exact, on display. They were attractively laid out on the counter.  For some strange reason, I almost said to the cashier, “Pass me a few packs of condoms please.” It seemed like the natural thing to do.  I soon realized, and quickly so, that I was about to make a fool of myself.  What on earth am I going to do with condoms?

It was then that I started to reflect on the very last condom that I ever had. It was several years ago, long before my pussy drought set in. I was handed a pack of condoms by one of my several brothers.  I could remember taking one and placing it deep into my wallet, just in case.  That condom stayed in my wallet for years!  I did not even remember that I had it.  It wasn’t until I bought a new wallet to replace the one that was now too old and worn out that it reappeared.  Upon emptying the contents, I came across the lonely condom.

It looked disgusting.  The wrapping had deteriorated; there were holes all over; the condom itself was exposed; some form of deterioration had set in.  I also noticed that “the-use-before-date” had long gone!  I soon realized that even if I had an opportunity to make use of this device, it would be no good under any circumstances whatsoever!

I simply had to get rid of that condom.  Since that time I have not carried around another condom in my pocket; I have not even used a condom; Indeed ladies and gentlemen, I have not had the opportunity to protect myself from some good pussy!

So, it was with a bit of intense nostalgia that I surveyed the beautiful packs of Rough Rider condoms on display.  I felt a tinge of sadness knowing that it would be a very long time, if at all, before I could go to a drug store and say, “Pass me a pack of Rough Riders please”.  Clearly, I have made use of my last condom. Or, have I?